Thursday, October 23, 2014

Jeju Island Road Trip Day 2: 5.16 Road Forest Tunnel

The 5.16 Road was the first national highway established in Jeju. This made travel from Jeju City to Seogwipo just within an hour, traversing the eastern side of the foot of Mount Hallasan. 

The forest tunnel was created by the growth of trees on each side of the road. It provides shade on a hot, sunny day as you drive along the road.

We immediately looked for a place to park as we started to see the stretch of road covered by the forest tunnel. Since there was already a long line of parked vehicles, we settled for the last spot available which was the end of the line. Only hubby and I made our way to the middle of the road to capture the photo above. What best way to capture the 5.16 Road Forest Tunnel than to be standing in the middle of it? 

We exercised proper caution and watched out for traffic as we crossed to the opposite side of the road to get a closer look of the forest. We snapped a photo and got back to the car to continue our drive to Seogwipo.

There was a parking lot for those who plan to walk into the woods. I didn't include that in our activity list though. That would go well with a trek to Mt Hallasan, which would take hours, or even a full day. We just weren't physically ready for that kind of exertion. Maybe when the kids are older (and Ira is better) we will go back to scale the famous mountain.



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